./Job.out output for 3: 3.3A-->1.3A 709 (amd-9) Si-H2N...HCH2-Si two dimer (TSS)

Status: running
[Sat Sep 28 22:42:52 CST 2024] [MD] [warn] 'Starting MedeA Core 3.8.1'
Opening the database
Sucessfully opened MedeA database from /home/user/MD/Databases/MedeA.db
Nudged Elastic Band for mapping the minimum energy path between
the initial system Untitled
and the final system Untitled
with 9 intermediate images and a spring constant of 0.1 eV/Ang^2.

The initial images are created from linear interpolation.

In a second step, transition states are searched for all identified saddle points by the Elastic Band Methods.
In a last step, optimization of transition states by the RMM-DIIS algorithm is attempted.

Optimization parameters for the first step:
    Convergence: 0.25 eV/Ang
    Number of steps: 150
    Diagonal elements of the inverse Hessian are initially set to 0.001 Ang^2/eV.

VASP parameters
This is a calculation based on density functional theory and the GGA-PBE exchange-correlation functional for describing the interactions.

Since no magnetic moments are in the model, this is a non-magnetic calculation using 'normal' precision
and a default planewave cutoff energy of 400.000 eV.

The electronic iterations convergence is 1.00E-05 eV using the Normal (blocked Davidson) algorithm
and real space projection operators.

The requested k-spacing is 0.5 per Angstrom, which leads to a 1x1x1 mesh.
This corresponds to actual k-spacings of 0.209 x 0.314 x 0.419 per Angstrom.
The k-mesh is forced to be centered on the gamma point.

Using first order Methfessel-Paxton smearing with a width of 0.2 eV.

Other non-default parameters:
	VASP version is for GPUs
	Maximum iterations is 200

Using version 4.0 GGA-PBE / PAW potentials:
	C              	  PAW_PBE C 08Apr2002                    
	Si             	  PAW_PBE Si 05Jan2001                   
	O              	  PAW_PBE O 08Apr2002                    
	N              	  PAW_PBE N 08Apr2002                    
	H              	  PAW_PBE H 15Jun2001                    

VASP energy of initial and final boundary images in kJ/mol per cell:

         Image             Energy (kJ/mol)
   ------------------- -----------------------
        neb0_image00       -37003.271
        neb0_image10       -36612.325

Total and image energies below are given with respect to the energy of the initial boundary image in kJ/mol per cell

Iter Energy_total max grad     image01      image02      image03      image04      image05      image06      image07      image08      image09   Iter_accepted
---- ------------ --------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ -------------

   1       433.13   3.91275       -0.138        0.002        1.309        4.703       12.211       27.550       57.742      113.975      215.774 
   2       427.73   3.71301       -0.139        0.143        1.308        4.696       12.318       27.439       57.378      112.767      211.819 	   1

   3       334.07   2.57301       -0.151        0.131        1.119        4.560       11.751       25.636       50.153       89.507      151.368 	   2

   4       326.43   3.02558       -0.151        0.133        3.172        4.538       11.655       25.311       48.982       86.327      146.466 	   3

   5       301.45   3.90697       -0.153        0.143        1.261        4.481       11.397       24.396       45.866       78.609      135.449 	   4

   6       278.11   4.10863       -0.153        0.178        1.265        4.405       11.097       23.213       42.288       71.024      124.791 	   5

   7       257.68   3.50480       -0.151        0.283        1.312        4.295       10.748       21.555       38.112       64.433      117.095 	   6

   8       253.12   3.14075       -0.149        0.404        1.394        4.195       10.550       20.339       35.711       62.324      118.356 	   7

   9       244.62   2.54939       -0.153        0.422        1.414        4.142       10.405       19.708       34.401       59.859      114.426 	   8

  10       226.02   1.97652       -0.160        0.350        1.366        4.117       10.246       19.377       33.359       55.611      101.756 	   9

  11       205.85   2.10540       -0.172        0.195        1.256        3.903       10.190       19.706       33.698       52.348       84.725 	  10

  12       206.38   1.86875       -0.173        0.137        1.218        4.208       10.333       20.403       35.354       54.281       80.621 	  11

  13       201.94   0.66460       -0.173        0.129        1.206        4.206       10.318       20.403       35.258       53.648       76.941 	  12

  14       198.03   0.70638       -0.174        0.138        1.204        4.176       10.196       19.990       34.225       52.007       76.268 	  13

  15       195.05   0.78699       -0.175        0.142        1.196        4.133       10.037       19.493       33.108       50.553       76.562 	  14

  16       191.45   0.85677       -0.180        0.126        1.165        4.031        9.617       18.346       30.849       48.371       79.126 	  15

  17       193.71   1.40093       -0.186        0.105        1.135        3.889        9.096       17.035       28.789       47.909       85.938 	  16

  18       197.37   1.62283       -0.191       -0.012        1.078        3.785        8.676       16.225       27.873       48.687       91.246 	  17

  19       190.57   1.38353       -0.191        0.054        1.125        3.772        8.755       16.189       27.508       47.153       86.207 	  18

  20       171.43   1.43322       -0.187        0.107        1.103        3.828        9.059       16.568       27.289       43.141       70.520 	  19

  21       167.48   1.39915       -0.186        0.001        0.991        3.875        9.079       16.856       27.766       42.736       66.363 	  20

  22       164.81   0.89811       -0.188        0.095        1.135        3.922        9.224       17.400       28.607       42.643       61.973 	  21

  23       160.62   0.72238       -0.191        0.098        1.138        3.874        9.059       16.924       27.631       41.255       60.834 	  22

  24       152.97   0.70930       -0.199        0.153        1.209        3.719        8.617       15.625       25.285       38.667       59.890 	  23

  25       149.94   0.72727       -0.205        0.240        1.338        3.587        8.319       14.722       23.905       37.663       60.371 	  24

  26       148.82   0.82904       -0.208        0.260        1.369        3.518        8.144       14.314       23.361       37.390       60.670 	  25