Using device 0 (rank 0, local rank 0, local size 3) : Tesla P100-PCIE-16GB
Using device 1 (rank 1, local rank 1, local size 3) : Quadro GP100
Using device 2 (rank 2, local rank 2, local size 3) : Tesla P100-PCIE-16GB
 running on    3 total cores
 distrk:  each k-point on    3 cores,    1 groups
 distr:  one band on    1 cores,    3 groups
  You are running the GPU port of VASP! When publishing results obtained with
  this version, please cite:
   - M. Hacene et al.,
   - M. Hutchinson and M. Widom,
  in addition to the usual required citations (see manual).
  GPU developers: A. Anciaux-Sedrakian, C. Angerer, and M. Hutchinson.
|                                                                             |
|           W    W    AA    RRRRR   N    N  II  N    N   GGGG   !!!           |
|           W    W   A  A   R    R  NN   N  II  NN   N  G    G  !!!           |
|           W    W  A    A  R    R  N N  N  II  N N  N  G       !!!           |
|           W WW W  AAAAAA  RRRRR   N  N N  II  N  N N  G  GGG   !            |
|           WW  WW  A    A  R   R   N   NN  II  N   NN  G    G                |
|           W    W  A    A  R    R  N    N  II  N    N   GGGG   !!!           |
|                                                                             |
|     Please note that VASP has recently been ported to GPU by means of       |
|     OpenACC. You are running the CUDA-C GPU-port of VASP, which is          |
|     deprecated and no longer actively developed, maintained, or             |
|     supported. In the near future, the CUDA-C GPU-port of VASP will be      |
|     dropped completely. We encourage you to switch to the OpenACC           |
|     GPU-port of VASP as soon as possible.                                   |
|                                                                             |

 vasp.6.2.1 16May21 (build Apr 11 2022 11:03:26) complex                        
 MD_VERSION_INFO: Compiled 2022-04-11T18:25:55-UTC in
 com:/home/medea2/data/build/vasp6.2.1/16685/x86_64/src/src/build/gpu from svn 1
 This VASP executable licensed from Materials Design, Inc.
 POSCAR found type information on POSCAR ZrO SiN C H 
 POSCAR found :  6 types and     120 ions
 NWRITE =            1
 NWRITE =            1
 NWRITE =            1
 LDA part: xc-table for Pade appr. of Perdew
 WARNING: The GPU port of VASP has been extensively
 tested for: ALGO=Normal, Fast, and VeryFast.
 Other algorithms may produce incorrect results or
 yield suboptimal performance. Handle with care!
 POSCAR, INCAR and KPOINTS ok, starting setup
creating 32 CUDA streams...
creating 32 CUDA streams...
creating 32 CUDA streams...
creating 32 CUFFT plans with grid size 50 x 54 x 120...
creating 32 CUFFT plans with grid size 50 x 54 x 120...
creating 32 CUFFT plans with grid size 50 x 54 x 120...
 FFT: planning ...
 WAVECAR not read
 entering main loop
       N       E                     dE             d eps       ncg     rms          rms(c)
DAV:   1     0.781628289973E+04    0.78163E+04   -0.37584E+05  4350   0.127E+03 
DAV:   2    -0.275817074316E+03   -0.80921E+04   -0.78611E+04  4887   0.402E+02 
DAV:   3    -0.112896959854E+04   -0.85315E+03   -0.84694E+03  4857   0.125E+02 
DAV:   4    -0.120343944990E+04   -0.74470E+02   -0.74347E+02  7296   0.308E+01 
DAV:   5    -0.121439320793E+04   -0.10954E+02   -0.10953E+02  5730   0.689E+00    0.152E+02
DAV:   6    -0.101386515566E+04    0.20053E+03   -0.13861E+03  4776   0.521E+01    0.770E+01
DAV:   7    -0.105372865735E+04   -0.39864E+02   -0.10777E+03  5280   0.237E+01    0.523E+01
DAV:   8    -0.101341926537E+04    0.40309E+02   -0.18166E+02  5280   0.146E+01    0.315E+01
DAV:   9    -0.987559230618E+03    0.25860E+02   -0.12224E+02  5055   0.119E+01    0.150E+01
DAV:  10    -0.988602267136E+03   -0.10430E+01   -0.40363E+01  5307   0.522E+00    0.321E+01
DAV:  11    -0.986671065467E+03    0.19312E+01   -0.10502E+02  5172   0.387E+00    0.114E+01
DAV:  12    -0.985697481948E+03    0.97358E+00   -0.48288E+00  5073   0.235E+00    0.103E+01
DAV:  13    -0.984611616184E+03    0.10859E+01   -0.60917E+00  5172   0.217E+00    0.122E+01
DAV:  14    -0.983330396557E+03    0.12812E+01   -0.90597E+00  5226   0.174E+00    0.747E+00
DAV:  15    -0.982234411559E+03    0.10960E+01   -0.47721E+00  5136   0.148E+00    0.768E+00
DAV:  16    -0.982195867857E+03    0.38544E-01   -0.20029E-01  4794   0.460E-01    0.780E+00
DAV:  17    -0.982182990088E+03    0.12878E-01   -0.23038E-01  5712   0.211E-01    0.771E+00
DAV:  18    -0.982250133688E+03   -0.67144E-01   -0.81672E-01  5037   0.259E-01    0.780E+00
DAV:  19    -0.982246574456E+03    0.35592E-02   -0.12043E-01  4992   0.283E-01    0.855E+00
DAV:  20    -0.982241968605E+03    0.46059E-02   -0.64300E-02  4929   0.235E-01    0.798E+00
DAV:  21    -0.982428809176E+03   -0.18684E+00   -0.24997E-01  4551   0.597E-01    0.964E+00
DAV:  22    -0.982863326148E+03   -0.43452E+00   -0.73687E-01  4686   0.818E-01    0.132E+01
DAV:  23    -0.983274923845E+03   -0.41160E+00   -0.25386E-01  4866   0.570E-01    0.155E+01
DAV:  24    -0.984938150815E+03   -0.16632E+01   -0.20282E+00  4470   0.164E+00    0.216E+01
DAV:  25    -0.986223069580E+03   -0.12849E+01   -0.14602E+00  4668   0.142E+00    0.259E+01
DAV:  26    -0.987451322724E+03   -0.12283E+01   -0.10013E+00  4983   0.821E-01    0.305E+01
DAV:  27    -0.986449645602E+03    0.10017E+01   -0.45236E-01  4443   0.582E-01    0.279E+01
DAV:  28    -0.986653139999E+03   -0.20349E+00   -0.42736E-02  4488   0.249E-01    0.286E+01
DAV:  29    -0.999895108693E+03   -0.13242E+02   -0.17463E+01  4587   0.448E+00    0.533E+01
DAV:  30    -0.995942623598E+03    0.39525E+01   -0.20998E+00  4407   0.146E+00    0.489E+01
DAV:  31    -0.997467691663E+03   -0.15251E+01   -0.43601E-01  5775   0.355E-01    0.500E+01
DAV:  32    -0.997070389302E+03    0.39730E+00   -0.23741E-01  4884   0.262E-01    0.503E+01
DAV:  33    -0.100188826650E+04   -0.48179E+01   -0.49551E+00  5595   0.565E-01    0.551E+01
DAV:  34    -0.999552677906E+03    0.23356E+01   -0.10026E+00  4983   0.315E-01    0.527E+01
DAV:  35    -0.707132111221E+05   -0.69714E+05   -0.64670E+05  7827   0.392E+02    0.955E+03
DAV:  36    -0.191778163285E+04    0.68795E+05   -0.16689E+04  4380   0.104E+02    0.744E+02
DAV:  37    -0.215211751693E+04   -0.23434E+03   -0.78953E+03  5607   0.942E+01    0.498E+02
DAV:  38    -0.270148210081E+04   -0.54936E+03   -0.25220E+04  4701   0.289E+02    0.421E+03
DAV:  39    -0.357783401559E+04   -0.87635E+03   -0.85297E+03  5850   0.605E+01    0.106E+03
DAV:  40    -0.318158406926E+04    0.39625E+03   -0.13223E+03  5196   0.276E+01    0.801E+02
DAV:  41    -0.328402834994E+04   -0.10244E+03   -0.18025E+02  5088   0.137E+01    0.848E+02
DAV:  42    -0.247889121013E+04    0.80514E+03   -0.24527E+04  4818   0.251E+02    0.123E+03
DAV:  43    -0.395477018702E+04   -0.14759E+04   -0.12464E+03  5601   0.242E+01    0.135E+03
DAV:  44    -0.280377639774E+04    0.11510E+04   -0.39222E+04  5028   0.146E+02    0.138E+03
DAV:  45    -0.222036199051E+05   -0.19400E+05   -0.16977E+05  5796   0.195E+01    0.137E+03
DAV:  46    -0.160796149985E+05    0.61240E+04   -0.36170E+03  5739   0.522E+01    0.137E+03
DAV:  47    -0.449664843704E+04    0.11583E+05   -0.63779E+03  5838   0.328E+01    0.934E+03
DAV:  48    -0.364220771412E+04    0.85444E+03   -0.26850E+03  4857   0.213E+01    0.144E+03
DAV:  49    -0.322360599864E+04    0.41860E+03   -0.15623E+04  4293   0.193E+02    0.279E+03
DAV:  50    -0.397377503361E+04   -0.75017E+03   -0.53797E+02  4788   0.228E+01    0.223E+03
DAV:  51    -0.134935583101E+06   -0.13096E+06   -0.12003E+06  6459   0.468E+02    0.218E+03
DAV:  52    -0.760735316582E+04    0.12733E+06   -0.17048E+04  5481   0.135E+02    0.426E+03
DAV:  53    -0.533766177745E+04    0.22697E+04   -0.29371E+04  6024   0.778E+01    0.185E+03
DAV:  54    -0.502236406306E+04    0.31530E+03   -0.10051E+03  6066   0.287E+01    0.176E+03
DAV:  55    -0.201327354421E+06   -0.19630E+06   -0.18349E+06  7836   0.202E+03BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   818.99997 new  818.98978
DAV:  56     0.101374454197E+01    0.20133E+06   -0.47860E+04  5634   0.292E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   818.98978 new  819.00826
DAV:  57    -0.101132928956E+04   -0.10123E+04   -0.89288E+03  5037   0.115E+02    0.198E+02
DAV:  58    -0.974296493778E+03    0.37033E+02   -0.42700E+03  5274   0.102E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   819.01037 new  818.99945
DAV:  59    -0.100493507945E+04   -0.30639E+02   -0.32139E+02  7197   0.239E+01    0.747E+02
DAV:  60    -0.113785062971E+04   -0.13292E+03   -0.64357E+02  4407   0.149E+01    0.231E+02
DAV:  61    -0.114586007533E+04   -0.80094E+01   -0.52810E+02  4659   0.217E+01    0.754E+01
DAV:  62    -0.113604535068E+04    0.98147E+01   -0.84437E+01  4974   0.103E+01    0.754E+01
DAV:  63    -0.113989219397E+04   -0.38468E+01   -0.20779E+01  5388   0.524E+00    0.774E+01
DAV:  64    -0.115164550288E+04   -0.11753E+02   -0.36720E+00  5091   0.287E+00    0.808E+01
DAV:  65    -0.116024624605E+04   -0.86007E+01   -0.13342E+01  5316   0.225E+00    0.840E+01
DAV:  66    -0.115958262263E+04    0.66362E+00   -0.16052E+00  5379   0.222E+00    0.849E+01
DAV:  67    -0.115662816200E+04    0.29545E+01   -0.37731E+00  5334   0.127E+00    0.843E+01
DAV:  68    -0.114387385345E+04    0.12754E+02   -0.13254E+00  4803   0.176E+00    0.819E+01
DAV:  69    -0.109530178619E+04    0.48572E+02   -0.13734E+01  4776   0.357E+00    0.711E+01
DAV:  70    -0.104312604138E+04    0.52176E+02   -0.58448E+01  4848   0.542E+00    0.561E+01
DAV:  71    -0.101950477560E+04    0.23621E+02   -0.82085E+01  4857   0.637E+00    0.523E+01
DAV:  72    -0.101193209892E+04    0.75727E+01   -0.22439E+01  5019   0.434E+00    0.489E+01
DAV:  73    -0.998958616865E+03    0.12973E+02   -0.11632E+01  4713   0.350E+00    0.439E+01
DAV:  74    -0.995571366684E+03    0.33873E+01   -0.22230E+00  4920   0.211E+00    0.410E+01
DAV:  75    -0.985501914289E+03    0.10069E+02   -0.46756E+01  5136   0.589E+00    0.255E+01
DAV:  76    -0.993304936482E+03   -0.78030E+01   -0.75189E+01  4884   0.763E+00    0.343E+01
DAV:  77    -0.987491478657E+03    0.58135E+01   -0.15318E+01  4731   0.321E+00    0.291E+01
DAV:  78    -0.985723529741E+03    0.17679E+01   -0.78957E+00  5352   0.184E+00    0.222E+01
DAV:  79    -0.985578943489E+03    0.14459E+00   -0.70396E+00  4947   0.151E+00    0.262E+01
DAV:  80    -0.986428119992E+03   -0.84918E+00   -0.16776E+01  5172   0.140E+00    0.243E+01
DAV:  81    -0.984090903506E+03    0.23372E+01   -0.17505E+01  5262   0.208E+00    0.147E+01
DAV:  82    -0.984531638165E+03   -0.44073E+00   -0.10095E+00  5028   0.177E+00    0.145E+01
DAV:  83    -0.984032855796E+03    0.49878E+00   -0.26328E+00  5163   0.150E+00    0.137E+01
DAV:  84    -0.983716698928E+03    0.31616E+00   -0.11751E+00  4911   0.950E-01    0.128E+01
DAV:  85    -0.983274095230E+03    0.44260E+00   -0.19155E-01  5667   0.945E-01    0.120E+01
DAV:  86    -0.983214562288E+03    0.59533E-01   -0.95700E+00  5217   0.352E+00    0.141E+01
DAV:  87    -0.982653789139E+03    0.56077E+00   -0.54689E+00  4857   0.150E+00    0.119E+01
DAV:  88    -0.982633773532E+03    0.20016E-01   -0.22317E+00  5496   0.142E+00    0.995E+00
DAV:  89    -0.984210855182E+03   -0.15771E+01   -0.15249E+01  5073   0.165E+00    0.263E+01
DAV:  90    -0.982820762617E+03    0.13901E+01   -0.49123E+00  5019   0.107E+00    0.186E+01
DAV:  91    -0.982105985424E+03    0.71478E+00   -0.35171E+00  5280   0.203E+00    0.108E+01
DAV:  92    -0.982258973796E+03   -0.15299E+00   -0.54561E+00  5073   0.150E+00    0.119E+01
DAV:  93    -0.981963820973E+03    0.29515E+00   -0.15272E+00  5046   0.101E+00    0.822E+00
DAV:  94    -0.982311145822E+03   -0.34732E+00   -0.15107E+00  5163   0.891E-01    0.138E+01
DAV:  95    -0.981919542363E+03    0.39160E+00   -0.32084E-01  5334   0.588E-01    0.850E+00
DAV:  96    -0.982050372552E+03   -0.13083E+00   -0.20281E+00  5397   0.123E+00    0.109E+01
DAV:  97    -0.981754286212E+03    0.29609E+00   -0.21881E+00  4965   0.927E-01    0.416E+00
DAV:  98    -0.981902154865E+03   -0.14787E+00   -0.43653E-01  5073   0.936E-01    0.478E+00
DAV:  99    -0.981881993548E+03    0.20161E-01   -0.89277E-02  5532   0.839E-01    0.444E+00
DAV: 100    -0.981881568206E+03    0.42534E-03   -0.81907E-02  5244   0.666E-01    0.406E+00
DAV: 101    -0.982306473050E+03   -0.42490E+00   -0.46536E+00  5370   0.761E-01    0.140E+01
DAV: 102    -0.981950359737E+03    0.35611E+00   -0.64378E-01  5199   0.770E-01    0.973E+00
DAV: 103    -0.982132707146E+03   -0.18235E+00   -0.13934E+00  5046   0.726E-01    0.136E+01
DAV: 104    -0.981892389075E+03    0.24032E+00   -0.35939E-01  5514   0.691E-01    0.950E+00
DAV: 105    -0.981843597902E+03    0.48791E-01   -0.31899E-01  5109   0.569E-01    0.592E+00
DAV: 106    -0.981881261070E+03   -0.37663E-01   -0.11809E+00  5316   0.648E-01    0.445E+00
DAV: 107    -0.981860744509E+03    0.20517E-01   -0.14708E-01  5325   0.625E-01    0.342E+00
DAV: 108    -0.981852614938E+03    0.81296E-02   -0.45481E-02  5154   0.491E-01    0.367E+00
DAV: 109    -0.981841770862E+03    0.10844E-01   -0.28174E-02  5469   0.461E-01    0.371E+00
DAV: 110    -0.981811247331E+03    0.30524E-01   -0.54119E-02  5784   0.435E-01    0.262E+00
DAV: 111    -0.981803028216E+03    0.82191E-02   -0.12877E-01  5730   0.458E-01    0.964E-01
DAV: 112    -0.981814891570E+03   -0.11863E-01   -0.26765E-02  5424   0.455E-01    0.970E-01
DAV: 113    -0.981814127802E+03    0.76377E-03   -0.12613E-02  5973   0.395E-01    0.682E-01
DAV: 114    -0.981815369895E+03   -0.12421E-02   -0.82553E-03  6180   0.376E-01    0.596E-01
DAV: 115    -0.981816031553E+03   -0.66166E-03   -0.75512E-03  6459   0.362E-01    0.508E-01
DAV: 116    -0.981818543788E+03   -0.25122E-02   -0.12640E-02  5919   0.368E-01    0.837E-01
DAV: 117    -0.981818058624E+03    0.48516E-03   -0.38199E-03  6018   0.356E-01    0.875E-01
DAV: 118    -0.981816540057E+03    0.15186E-02   -0.51511E-03  6099   0.354E-01    0.514E-01
DAV: 119    -0.981817161962E+03   -0.62190E-03   -0.33492E-03  6306   0.347E-01    0.298E-01
DAV: 120    -0.326416168314E+04   -0.22823E+04   -0.28272E+02  6369   0.342E-01BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   818.99998 new  818.65383
DAV: 121    -0.598042718234E+05   -0.56540E+05   -0.53429E+05  4908   0.111E+01BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   818.65383 new  818.76313
DAV: 122    -0.406127362856E+05    0.19192E+05   -0.25437E+05  4551   0.363E+01BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   818.76313 new  820.58830
DAV: 123    -0.285470004231E+05    0.12066E+05   -0.18167E+04  4800   0.654E+01BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   820.58830 new  822.52005
DAV: 124    -0.131622157391E+06   -0.10308E+06   -0.95472E+04  4950   0.115E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   822.52005 new  816.83282
DAV: 125    -0.240519660584E+06   -0.10890E+06   -0.26216E+05  4587   0.217E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   816.83282 new  800.85496
DAV: 126    -0.144209067534E+06    0.96311E+05   -0.13697E+05  4404   0.269E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   800.85496 new  765.74682
DAV: 127    -0.396640153212E+08   -0.39520E+08   -0.39473E+08  4440   0.412E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   765.74682 new  751.23979
DAV: 128    -0.420007988787E+08   -0.23368E+07   -0.25352E+07  5046   0.362E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   751.23979 new  752.44916
DAV: 129    -0.349549008641E+08    0.70459E+07   -0.31785E+04  4767   0.538E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   752.44916 new  725.16072
DAV: 130    -0.241149780179E+06    0.34714E+08   -0.42597E+04  4224   0.460E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   725.16072 new  725.50967
DAV: 131    -0.258448191966E+09   -0.25821E+09   -0.11998E+09  4983   0.573E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   725.50967 new  729.04889
DAV: 132    -0.108495855214E+09    0.14995E+09   -0.14523E+08  4407   0.559E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   729.04889 new  728.46795
DAV: 133    -0.910231236536E+07    0.99394E+08   -0.87461E+07  4413   0.487E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   728.46795 new  746.79196
DAV: 134    -0.814137029633E+08   -0.72311E+08   -0.16248E+08  4407   0.530E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   746.79196 new  739.13767
DAV: 135    -0.318680558836E+07    0.78227E+08   -0.26448E+07  4224   0.497E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   739.13767 new  738.10522
DAV: 136    -0.250229358895E+09   -0.24704E+09   -0.17970E+09  4443   0.599E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   738.10522 new  747.12242
DAV: 137    -0.235586225608E+07    0.24787E+09   -0.17765E+07  4296   0.466E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   747.12242 new  735.47162
DAV: 138    -0.146217462957E+09   -0.14386E+09   -0.52674E+08  4305   0.564E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   735.47162 new  736.66084
DAV: 139    -0.351307120308E+07    0.14270E+09   -0.30008E+07  4287   0.476E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   736.66084 new  744.72969
DAV: 140    -0.290303708588E+08   -0.25517E+08   -0.23279E+08  4215   0.569E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   744.72969 new  746.89974
DAV: 141    -0.158402334922E+09   -0.12937E+09   -0.42828E+04  4647   0.535E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   746.89974 new  722.12998
DAV: 142    -0.139337622640E+09    0.19065E+08   -0.85757E+06  4218   0.511E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   722.12998 new  733.33911
DAV: 143    -0.300866808566E+07    0.13633E+09   -0.28965E+07  4152   0.556E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   733.33911 new  736.17924
DAV: 144    -0.135468784150E+09   -0.13246E+09   -0.40036E+07  4362   0.499E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   736.17924 new  723.81655
DAV: 145    -0.531814654405E+06    0.13494E+09   -0.48077E+04  4098   0.475E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   723.81655 new  724.81631
DAV: 146    -0.158381879650E+09   -0.15785E+09   -0.86966E+08  4245   0.578E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   724.81631 new  730.24615
DAV: 147    -0.561636945708E+06    0.15782E+09   -0.41316E+06  4116   0.632E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   730.24615 new  731.40852
DAV: 148    -0.371682879975E+08   -0.36607E+08   -0.93135E+07  4371   0.627E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   731.40852 new  737.81322
DAV: 149    -0.789341415173E+08   -0.41766E+08   -0.41159E+04  4254   0.585E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   737.81322 new  712.69350
DAV: 150    -0.208749445577E+09   -0.12982E+09   -0.72631E+07  4230   0.493E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   712.69350 new  713.05645
DAV: 151    -0.164984274192E+09    0.43765E+08   -0.88718E+06  4605   0.469E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   713.05645 new  724.45557
DAV: 152    -0.102638791254E+09    0.62345E+08   -0.22643E+07  4209   0.583E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   724.45557 new  729.63804
DAV: 153    -0.952198837848E+08    0.74189E+07   -0.32120E+07  4596   0.497E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   729.63804 new  731.40708
DAV: 154    -0.700358732245E+08    0.25184E+08   -0.19987E+07  4794   0.544E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   731.40708 new  728.88249
DAV: 155    -0.372075519797E+06    0.69664E+08   -0.43551E+04  4053   0.448E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   728.88249 new  729.66659
DAV: 156    -0.831595802889E+08   -0.82788E+08   -0.28453E+08  4182   0.579E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   729.66659 new  726.66821
DAV: 157    -0.253374383473E+09   -0.17021E+09   -0.65849E+06  4128   0.558E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   726.66821 new  712.55088
DAV: 158    -0.170950331486E+09    0.82424E+08   -0.34567E+07  4290   0.465E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   712.55088 new  723.91063
DAV: 159    -0.891178032946E+08    0.81833E+08   -0.44306E+04  4113   0.539E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   723.91063 new  729.09734
DAV: 160    -0.737271065125E+08    0.15391E+08   -0.73617E+08  4377   0.592E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   729.09734 new  727.26203
DAV: 161    -0.685181482159E+09   -0.61145E+09   -0.13172E+09  5091   0.568E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   727.26203 new  692.73638
DAV: 162    -0.712713575491E+07    0.67805E+09   -0.54602E+07  4377   0.346E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   692.73638 new  731.09790
DAV: 163    -0.489794003370E+09   -0.48267E+09   -0.42734E+04  4272   0.593E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   731.09790 new  701.24414
DAV: 164    -0.243270016941E+09    0.24652E+09   -0.54841E+04  4128   0.443E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   701.24414 new  721.79082
DAV: 165    -0.324717255783E+09   -0.81447E+08   -0.24883E+09  4227   0.584E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   721.79082 new  722.27847
DAV: 166    -0.102178088028E+08    0.31450E+09   -0.51336E+04  4629   0.569E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   722.27847 new  732.80200
DAV: 167    -0.616045591310E+08   -0.51387E+08   -0.41763E+04  4740   0.644E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   732.80200 new  752.65217
DAV: 168    -0.180542025602E+09   -0.11894E+09   -0.29677E+08  4785   0.592E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   752.65217 new  751.80198
DAV: 169    -0.101132083208E+09    0.79410E+08   -0.38617E+04  4830   0.556E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   751.80198 new  741.00660
DAV: 170    -0.186108341877E+07    0.99271E+08   -0.13130E+07  4764   0.581E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   741.00660 new  752.22544
DAV: 171    -0.142803721900E+09   -0.14094E+09   -0.25373E+08  4866   0.665E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   752.22544 new  824.56133
DAV: 172    -0.129134385301E+09    0.13669E+08   -0.22974E+03  4605   0.613E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   824.56133 new  792.24678
DAV: 173    -0.818111395506E+08    0.47323E+08   -0.13535E+04  4821   0.663E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   792.24678 new  781.79546
DAV: 174    -0.345702496408E+09   -0.26389E+09   -0.24445E+09  4758   0.600E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   781.79546 new  800.77218
DAV: 175    -0.885206724984E+08    0.25718E+09   -0.80694E+08  4863   0.652E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   800.77218 new  809.48155
DAV: 176    -0.385262226353E+09   -0.29674E+09   -0.11552E+04  4809   0.661E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   809.48155 new  797.14699
DAV: 177    -0.163909637055E+09    0.22135E+09    0.13465E+05  4758   0.559E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   797.14699 new  807.06329
DAV: 178    -0.921846728303E+08    0.71725E+08   -0.14768E+07  4803   0.581E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   807.06329 new  807.93353
DAV: 179    -0.485426455070E+06    0.91699E+08   -0.83085E+03  4629   0.616E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   807.93353 new  808.47602
DAV: 180    -0.410323452225E+09   -0.40984E+09   -0.37511E+09  4992   0.641E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   808.47602 new  801.23376
DAV: 181    -0.718208169448E+08    0.33850E+09   -0.32217E+06  4731   0.572E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   801.23376 new  826.82054
DAV: 182    -0.820687734667E+08   -0.10248E+08    0.76188E+04  4668   0.643E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   826.82054 new  810.82947
DAV: 183    -0.127560863904E+09   -0.45492E+08   -0.49215E+03  4776   0.581E+02 
|                                                                             |
|           W    W    AA    RRRRR   N    N  II  N    N   GGGG   !!!           |
|           W    W   A  A   R    R  NN   N  II  NN   N  G    G  !!!           |
|           W    W  A    A  R    R  N N  N  II  N N  N  G       !!!           |
|           W WW W  AAAAAA  RRRRR   N  N N  II  N  N N  G  GGG   !            |
|           WW  WW  A    A  R   R   N   NN  II  N   NN  G    G                |
|           W    W  A    A  R    R  N    N  II  N    N   GGGG   !!!           |
|                                                                             |
|     The electronic self-consistency was not achieved in the given           |
|     number of steps (NELM). The forces and other quantities evaluated       |
|     might not be reliable so examine the results carefully. If you find     |
|     spurious results, we suggest increasing NELM, if you were close to      |
|     convergence or switching to a different ALGO or adjusting the           |
|     density mixing parameters otherwise.                                    |
|                                                                             |

BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:   810.82947 new  804.22412
   1 F= -.12756086E+09 E0= -.12756086E+09  d E =-.160614E+01