Using device 3 (rank 3, local rank 3, local size 4) : Tesla K80
Using device 2 (rank 2, local rank 2, local size 4) : Tesla K80
Using device 1 (rank 1, local rank 1, local size 4) : Tesla K80
Using device 0 (rank 0, local rank 0, local size 4) : Tesla K80
 running on    4 total cores
 distrk:  each k-point on    4 cores,    1 groups
 distr:  one band on    1 cores,    4 groups
 using from now: INCAR     
  You are running the GPU port of VASP! When publishing results obtained with
  this version, please cite:
   - M. Hacene et al.,
   - M. Hutchinson and M. Widom,
  in addition to the usual required citations (see manual).
  GPU developers: A. Anciaux-Sedrakian, C. Angerer, and M. Hutchinson.
 vasp.6.1.1 19Jun20 (build Jun 25 2020 02:42:34) complex                        
 MD_VERSION_INFO: Compiled 2020-06-25T09:42:34-UTC in
 com:/home/medea2/data/build/wwolf/vasp6.1.1/13539/x86_64/src/src/build/gpu from
  svn 13539
 This VASP executable licensed from Materials Design, Inc.
 POSCAR found :  2 types and     109 ions
 LDA part: xc-table for Pade appr. of Perdew
 WARNING: The GPU port of VASP has been extensively
 tested for: ALGO=Normal, Fast, and VeryFast.
 Other algorithms may produce incorrect results or
 yield suboptimal performance. Handle with care!
|                                                                             |
|           W    W    AA    RRRRR   N    N  II  N    N   GGGG   !!!           |
|           W    W   A  A   R    R  NN   N  II  NN   N  G    G  !!!           |
|           W    W  A    A  R    R  N N  N  II  N N  N  G       !!!           |
|           W WW W  AAAAAA  RRRRR   N  N N  II  N  N N  G  GGG   !            |
|           WW  WW  A    A  R   R   N   NN  II  N   NN  G    G                |
|           W    W  A    A  R    R  N    N  II  N    N   GGGG   !!!           |
|                                                                             |
|     The distance between some ions is very small. Please check the          |
|     nearest-neighbor list in the OUTCAR file.                               |
|     I HOPE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!                                     |
|                                                                             |

 POSCAR, INCAR and KPOINTS ok, starting setup
creating 32 CUDA streams...
creating 32 CUDA streams...
creating 32 CUDA streams...
creating 32 CUDA streams...
creating 32 CUFFT plans with grid size 112 x 36 x 36...
creating 32 CUFFT plans with grid size 112 x 36 x 36...
creating 32 CUFFT plans with grid size 112 x 36 x 36...
creating 32 CUFFT plans with grid size 112 x 36 x 36...
 FFT: planning ...
 WAVECAR not read
 entering main loop
       N       E                     dE             d eps       ncg     rms          rms(c)
DAV:   1     0.138868933405E+05    0.13887E+05   -0.71016E+05  9432   0.101E+03 
DAV:   2    -0.187367749673E+02   -0.13906E+05   -0.13416E+05  7868   0.414E+02 
DAV:   3    -0.713510975593E+03   -0.69477E+03   -0.66127E+03 10040   0.803E+01 
DAV:   4    -0.743971579752E+03   -0.30461E+02   -0.29319E+02  9208   0.126E+01 
DAV:   5    -0.745702026421E+03   -0.17304E+01   -0.16970E+01 10016   0.226E+00    0.101E+03
DAV:   6    -0.122433815666E+04   -0.47864E+03   -0.20673E+03 11016   0.646E+01    0.339E+02
DAV:   7    -0.375508787111E+05   -0.36327E+05   -0.41638E+05 10776   0.401E+02    0.151E+03
DAV:   8    -0.192948870562E+05    0.18256E+05   -0.22389E+04  9500   0.189E+02    0.139E+03
DAV:   9    -0.151762428906E+05    0.41186E+04   -0.42418E+03  9736   0.872E+01    0.954E+02
DAV:  10    -0.310743690006E+04    0.12069E+05   -0.15857E+05 12016   0.191E+02    0.485E+02
DAV:  11    -0.259471984850E+04    0.51272E+03   -0.22783E+04  9176   0.148E+02    0.328E+02
DAV:  12    -0.102440959921E+04    0.15703E+04   -0.35936E+03  8632   0.472E+01    0.225E+02
DAV:  13    -0.119795802629E+04   -0.17355E+03   -0.26922E+03 10272   0.465E+01    0.207E+02
DAV:  14    -0.700539050660E+03    0.49742E+03   -0.20402E+03 10624   0.308E+01    0.192E+02
DAV:  15    -0.698115051115E+03    0.24240E+01   -0.10071E+03 10792   0.294E+01    0.160E+02
DAV:  16    -0.687943745981E+03    0.10171E+02   -0.16359E+02  9440   0.910E+00    0.161E+02
DAV:  17    -0.692045291352E+03   -0.41015E+01   -0.75580E+01  9808   0.131E+01    0.155E+02
DAV:  18    -0.654174324655E+03    0.37871E+02   -0.36618E+01  9568   0.871E+00    0.145E+02
DAV:  19    -0.655778085116E+03   -0.16038E+01   -0.37048E+01  9424   0.108E+01    0.130E+02
DAV:  20    -0.642337849619E+03    0.13440E+02   -0.51860E+01  9808   0.121E+01    0.110E+02
DAV:  21    -0.641539675843E+03    0.79817E+00   -0.14482E+01  9456   0.348E+00    0.108E+02
DAV:  22    -0.673384682753E+03   -0.31845E+02   -0.18829E+01  9800   0.753E+00    0.948E+01
DAV:  23    -0.662064794167E+03    0.11320E+02   -0.61211E+00  9360   0.291E+00    0.860E+01
DAV:  24    -0.706751237471E+03   -0.44686E+02   -0.65223E+01  9256   0.125E+01    0.760E+01
DAV:  25    -0.685894453037E+03    0.20857E+02   -0.23902E+01  9264   0.604E+00    0.734E+01
DAV:  26    -0.674533626410E+03    0.11361E+02   -0.25303E+00  9120   0.229E+00    0.699E+01
DAV:  27    -0.667634534022E+03    0.68991E+01   -0.15513E+00  9424   0.217E+00    0.671E+01
DAV:  28    -0.646404210381E+03    0.21230E+02   -0.46438E+00  9544   0.328E+00    0.585E+01
DAV:  29    -0.636062861532E+03    0.10341E+02   -0.48483E+00  9720   0.280E+00    0.546E+01
DAV:  30    -0.633084061255E+03    0.29788E+01   -0.92756E-01  9336   0.131E+00    0.537E+01
DAV:  31    -0.629527941480E+03    0.35561E+01   -0.14038E+00  9360   0.162E+00    0.497E+01
DAV:  32    -0.624582610027E+03    0.49453E+01   -0.19303E+00  9360   0.177E+00    0.448E+01
DAV:  33    -0.620197264490E+03    0.43853E+01   -0.13513E+00  9592   0.167E+00    0.398E+01
DAV:  34    -0.617243567654E+03    0.29537E+01   -0.81417E-01  9456   0.143E+00    0.352E+01
DAV:  35    -0.615351011695E+03    0.18926E+01   -0.66974E-01  9712   0.123E+00    0.327E+01
DAV:  36    -0.613981358376E+03    0.13697E+01   -0.39993E-01  9776   0.106E+00    0.304E+01
DAV:  37    -0.612472207022E+03    0.15092E+01   -0.52018E-01  9816   0.131E+00    0.269E+01
DAV:  38    -0.611101601205E+03    0.13706E+01   -0.91920E-01  9808   0.184E+00    0.224E+01
DAV:  39    -0.610569680034E+03    0.53192E+00   -0.55285E-01  9520   0.130E+00    0.189E+01
DAV:  40    -0.610200050210E+03    0.36963E+00   -0.43677E-01  9672   0.120E+00    0.144E+01
DAV:  41    -0.610311646038E+03   -0.11160E+00   -0.31911E-01  9992   0.116E+00    0.120E+01
DAV:  42    -0.610453698860E+03   -0.14205E+00   -0.21343E-01  9488   0.877E-01    0.109E+01
DAV:  43    -0.610473806017E+03   -0.20107E-01   -0.96853E-02  9552   0.526E-01    0.107E+01
DAV:  44    -0.610326046784E+03    0.14776E+00   -0.42766E-02  9672   0.327E-01    0.986E+00
DAV:  45    -0.610006781827E+03    0.31926E+00   -0.11449E-01  9760   0.575E-01    0.758E+00
DAV:  46    -0.609996941622E+03    0.98402E-02   -0.27157E-02  9344   0.194E-01    0.707E+00
DAV:  47    -0.610009841731E+03   -0.12900E-01   -0.69838E-03 10064   0.933E-02    0.702E+00
DAV:  48    -0.609969186552E+03    0.40655E-01   -0.10791E-02 10096   0.165E-01    0.645E+00
DAV:  49    -0.609817957405E+03    0.15123E+00   -0.43634E-02  9976   0.437E-01    0.516E+00
DAV:  50    -0.609679213408E+03    0.13874E+00   -0.66162E-02 10248   0.588E-01    0.402E+00
DAV:  51    -0.609780734012E+03   -0.10152E+00   -0.10198E-01  9304   0.682E-01    0.393E+00
DAV:  52    -0.609722110173E+03    0.58624E-01   -0.21206E-02  9528   0.322E-01    0.302E+00
DAV:  53    -0.609626628658E+03    0.95482E-01   -0.76900E-02  9720   0.644E-01    0.138E+00
DAV:  54    -0.609606514157E+03    0.20115E-01   -0.38003E-02  9640   0.362E-01    0.104E+00
DAV:  55    -0.609602412285E+03    0.41019E-02   -0.17517E-02  9584   0.213E-01    0.821E-01
DAV:  56    -0.609602533163E+03   -0.12088E-03   -0.69739E-03  9368   0.138E-01    0.567E-01
DAV:  57    -0.609601943580E+03    0.58958E-03   -0.53563E-03  9256   0.124E-01    0.298E-01
DAV:  58    -0.609601888936E+03    0.54644E-04   -0.19098E-03  9736   0.813E-02    0.224E-01
DAV:  59    -0.609601881811E+03    0.71244E-05   -0.18459E-03  9112   0.731E-02    0.172E-01
DAV:  60    -0.609602008120E+03   -0.12631E-03   -0.16862E-03  9528   0.562E-02 
|                                                                             |
|           W    W    AA    RRRRR   N    N  II  N    N   GGGG   !!!           |
|           W    W   A  A   R    R  NN   N  II  NN   N  G    G  !!!           |
|           W    W  A    A  R    R  N N  N  II  N N  N  G       !!!           |
|           W WW W  AAAAAA  RRRRR   N  N N  II  N  N N  G  GGG   !            |
|           WW  WW  A    A  R   R   N   NN  II  N   NN  G    G                |
|           W    W  A    A  R    R  N    N  II  N    N   GGGG   !!!           |
|                                                                             |
|     The electronic self-consistency was not achieved in the given           |
|     number of steps (NELM). The forces and other quantities evaluated       |
|     might not be reliable so examine the results carefully. If you find     |
|     spurious results, we suggest increasing NELM, if you were close to      |
|     convergence or switching to a different ALGO or adjusting the           |
|     density mixing parameters otherwise.                                    |
|                                                                             |

   1 F= -.60960201E+03 E0= -.60959619E+03  d E =-.174645E-01