Using device 2 (rank 2, local rank 2, local size 4) : Tesla K80
Using device 0 (rank 0, local rank 0, local size 4) : Tesla K80
Using device 1 (rank 1, local rank 1, local size 4) : Tesla K80
Using device 3 (rank 3, local rank 3, local size 4) : Tesla K80
 running on    4 total cores
 distrk:  each k-point on    4 cores,    1 groups
 distr:  one band on    1 cores,    4 groups
 using from now: INCAR     
  You are running the GPU port of VASP! When publishing results obtained with
  this version, please cite:
   - M. Hacene et al.,
   - M. Hutchinson and M. Widom,
  in addition to the usual required citations (see manual).
  GPU developers: A. Anciaux-Sedrakian, C. Angerer, and M. Hutchinson.
 vasp.6.1.1 19Jun20 (build Jun 25 2020 02:42:34) complex                        
 MD_VERSION_INFO: Compiled 2020-06-25T09:42:34-UTC in
 com:/home/medea2/data/build/wwolf/vasp6.1.1/13539/x86_64/src/src/build/gpu from
  svn 13539
 This VASP executable licensed from Materials Design, Inc.
 POSCAR found :  2 types and     109 ions
 LDA part: xc-table for Pade appr. of Perdew
 WARNING: The GPU port of VASP has been extensively
 tested for: ALGO=Normal, Fast, and VeryFast.
 Other algorithms may produce incorrect results or
 yield suboptimal performance. Handle with care!
|                                                                             |
|           W    W    AA    RRRRR   N    N  II  N    N   GGGG   !!!           |
|           W    W   A  A   R    R  NN   N  II  NN   N  G    G  !!!           |
|           W    W  A    A  R    R  N N  N  II  N N  N  G       !!!           |
|           W WW W  AAAAAA  RRRRR   N  N N  II  N  N N  G  GGG   !            |
|           WW  WW  A    A  R   R   N   NN  II  N   NN  G    G                |
|           W    W  A    A  R    R  N    N  II  N    N   GGGG   !!!           |
|                                                                             |
|     The distance between some ions is very small. Please check the          |
|     nearest-neighbor list in the OUTCAR file.                               |
|     I HOPE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!                                     |
|                                                                             |

 POSCAR, INCAR and KPOINTS ok, starting setup
creating 32 CUDA streams...
creating 32 CUDA streams...
creating 32 CUDA streams...
creating 32 CUDA streams...
creating 32 CUFFT plans with grid size 112 x 36 x 36...
creating 32 CUFFT plans with grid size 112 x 36 x 36...
creating 32 CUFFT plans with grid size 112 x 36 x 36...
creating 32 CUFFT plans with grid size 112 x 36 x 36...
 FFT: planning ...
 WAVECAR not read
 entering main loop
       N       E                     dE             d eps       ncg     rms          rms(c)
DAV:   1     0.214741027805E+05    0.21474E+05   -0.72490E+05  9280   0.101E+03 
DAV:   2     0.755891499437E+04   -0.13915E+05   -0.13386E+05  7976   0.416E+02 
DAV:   3     0.680326035105E+04   -0.75565E+03   -0.71464E+03 10144   0.844E+01 
DAV:   4     0.676253622112E+04   -0.40724E+02   -0.37952E+02  9520   0.144E+01 
DAV:   5     0.675998790475E+04   -0.25483E+01   -0.24928E+01 10440   0.324E+00    0.169E+03
DAV:   6     0.431764325676E+04   -0.24423E+04   -0.16754E+04 10796   0.119E+02    0.966E+02
DAV:   7    -0.115672993679E+06   -0.11999E+06   -0.16256E+06 11512   0.688E+02    0.308E+03
DAV:   8    -0.752141084914E+05    0.40459E+05   -0.72108E+04 11440   0.483E+02    0.361E+03
DAV:   9    -0.808048811045E+05   -0.55908E+04   -0.16338E+04 13888   0.178E+02    0.437E+03
DAV:  10    -0.705435602977E+05    0.10261E+05   -0.32311E+03 13040   0.722E+01    0.427E+03
DAV:  11     0.299937785593E+04    0.73543E+05   -0.44213E+05 12416   0.331E+02    0.126E+03
DAV:  12     0.188467551797E+04   -0.11147E+04   -0.63423E+04 10372   0.329E+02    0.123E+03
DAV:  13    -0.137010446499E+04   -0.32548E+04   -0.12101E+04  9404   0.127E+02    0.178E+03
DAV:  14     0.230938959361E+03    0.16010E+04   -0.16848E+03  9768   0.562E+01    0.184E+03
DAV:  15    -0.914795353739E+03   -0.11457E+04   -0.57190E+03  8960   0.543E+01    0.133E+03
DAV:  16     0.290083919813E+04    0.38156E+04   -0.10022E+03  8848   0.430E+01    0.107E+03
DAV:  17     0.397379586126E+04    0.10730E+04   -0.54307E+02  8512   0.287E+01    0.117E+03
DAV:  18     0.529385586426E+04    0.13201E+04   -0.30000E+02  8784   0.160E+01    0.118E+03
DAV:  19     0.501614108471E+04   -0.27771E+03   -0.13196E+03 10048   0.465E+01    0.112E+03
DAV:  20     0.557475691984E+04    0.55862E+03   -0.11646E+04 10424   0.548E+01    0.970E+02
DAV:  21     0.616652831547E+04    0.59177E+03   -0.32375E+03 10384   0.499E+01    0.738E+02
DAV:  22     0.637051267497E+04    0.20398E+03   -0.87182E+02 10020   0.281E+01    0.561E+02
DAV:  23     0.636076229809E+04   -0.97504E+01   -0.10791E+02  9872   0.992E+00    0.579E+02
DAV:  24     0.634873710193E+04   -0.12025E+02   -0.10183E+01  9904   0.383E+00    0.572E+02
DAV:  25     0.627256046145E+04   -0.76177E+02   -0.36003E+01  8788   0.106E+01    0.571E+02
DAV:  26     0.626408329752E+04   -0.84772E+01   -0.60349E+00  9360   0.238E+00    0.571E+02
DAV:  27     0.626076697755E+04   -0.33163E+01   -0.13762E+00  9536   0.178E+00    0.568E+02
DAV:  28     0.626927213483E+04    0.85052E+01   -0.16121E-01  8840   0.491E-01    0.566E+02
DAV:  29     0.644253552429E+04    0.17326E+03   -0.48928E+01  9040   0.105E+01    0.555E+02
DAV:  30     0.653002992597E+04    0.87494E+02   -0.14557E+02  9992   0.707E+00    0.531E+02
DAV:  31     0.653952716345E+04    0.94972E+01   -0.29376E+01  9248   0.704E+00    0.539E+02
DAV:  32     0.670708732080E+04    0.16756E+03   -0.81849E+01  9416   0.111E+01    0.464E+02
DAV:  33     0.674468298664E+04    0.37596E+02   -0.16003E+02 10032   0.803E+00    0.419E+02
DAV:  34     0.678583829105E+04    0.41155E+02   -0.76611E+01  9952   0.620E+00    0.381E+02
DAV:  35     0.674685551038E+04   -0.38983E+02   -0.36181E+01  9840   0.738E+00    0.264E+02
DAV:  36     0.675082795358E+04    0.39724E+01   -0.27666E+00  9528   0.169E+00    0.258E+02
DAV:  37     0.665089855241E+04   -0.99929E+02   -0.23664E+01  9384   0.820E+00    0.234E+02
DAV:  38     0.670510902694E+04    0.54210E+02   -0.67201E+00  9152   0.260E+00    0.222E+02
DAV:  39     0.670414423158E+04   -0.96480E+00   -0.18500E+00 11144   0.695E-01    0.221E+02
DAV:  40     0.671882118324E+04    0.14677E+02   -0.25362E+01  8816   0.285E+00    0.224E+02
DAV:  41     0.672157168034E+04    0.27505E+01   -0.86052E-01  9408   0.129E+00    0.226E+02
DAV:  42     0.674413034637E+04    0.22559E+02   -0.27554E+00  8960   0.219E+00    0.231E+02
DAV:  43     0.673396977078E+04   -0.10161E+02   -0.17581E+00  9496   0.889E-01    0.227E+02
DAV:  44     0.674945313460E+04    0.15483E+02   -0.81981E+00  8960   0.172E+00    0.227E+02
DAV:  45     0.674095498221E+04   -0.84982E+01   -0.14454E+00  9728   0.121E+00    0.222E+02
DAV:  46     0.673439876290E+04   -0.65562E+01   -0.97702E-01  9072   0.144E+00    0.212E+02
DAV:  47     0.673298676305E+04   -0.14120E+01   -0.29692E-01 10232   0.545E-01    0.213E+02
DAV:  48     0.673284115845E+04   -0.14560E+00   -0.84563E-02  9976   0.371E-01    0.213E+02
DAV:  49     0.673494677565E+04    0.21056E+01   -0.20451E-01  8984   0.634E-01    0.215E+02
DAV:  50     0.673493877492E+04   -0.80007E-02   -0.69256E-01  8920   0.122E+00    0.215E+02
DAV:  51     0.653937366145E+04   -0.19557E+03   -0.95411E+02  9788   0.243E+01BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:  1526.00164 new 1543.43700
DAV:  52    -0.902396674471E+08   -0.90246E+08   -0.90237E+08 10440   0.231E+01BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:  1543.43700 new 1538.00256
DAV:  53    -0.457227665166E+10   -0.44820E+10   -0.41289E+09  9712   0.974E+01BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:  1538.00256 new 1507.48616
DAV:  54    -0.308633578647E+10    0.14859E+10   -0.30138E+10  8668   0.317E+02BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:  1507.48616 new 1490.86878
DAV:  55    -0.444780390820E+09    0.26416E+10   -0.14111E+08  8288   0.101E+03BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:  1490.86878 new 1467.05311
DAV:  56    -0.321023082838E+09    0.12376E+09   -0.12019E+07  8524   0.187E+03BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:  1467.05311 new 1371.85018
DAV:  57    -0.286785118976E+10   -0.25468E+10   -0.19464E+10  9156   0.259E+03BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:  1371.85018 new 1274.32728
 WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DAV           20
 WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DAV           20
 WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DAV           20
 WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DAV           20
DAV:  58    -0.848013172259E+09    0.20198E+10   -0.47655E+09  9240   0.352E+03BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:  1274.32728 new 1197.76324
 WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DAV           37
 WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DAV           37
 WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DAV           37
 WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DAV           37
 WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DAV           38
 WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DAV           38
 WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DAV           38
 WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DAV           38
DAV:  59    -0.766706642436E+09    0.81307E+08   -0.50468E+08  9796   0.362E+03BRMIX: very serious problems
 the old and the new charge density differ
 old charge density:  1197.76324 new 1147.51362
DAV:  60    -0.446915486010E+10   -0.37024E+10   -0.38855E+10  9140   0.406E+03 
|                                                                             |
|           W    W    AA    RRRRR   N    N  II  N    N   GGGG   !!!           |
|           W    W   A  A   R    R  NN   N  II  NN   N  G    G  !!!           |
|           W    W  A    A  R    R  N N  N  II  N N  N  G       !!!           |
|           W WW W  AAAAAA  RRRRR   N  N N  II  N  N N  G  GGG   !            |
|           WW  WW  A    A  R   R   N   NN  II  N   NN  G    G                |
|           W    W  A    A  R    R  N    N  II  N    N   GGGG   !!!           |
|                                                                             |
|     The electronic self-consistency was not achieved in the given           |
|     number of steps (NELM). The forces and other quantities evaluated       |
|     might not be reliable so examine the results carefully. If you find     |
|     spurious results, we suggest increasing NELM, if you were close to      |
|     convergence or switching to a different ALGO or adjusting the           |
|     density mixing parameters otherwise.                                    |
|                                                                             |

|                                                                             |
|     EEEEEEE  RRRRRR   RRRRRR   OOOOOOO  RRRRRR      ###     ###     ###     |
|     E        R     R  R     R  O     O  R     R     ###     ###     ###     |
|     E        R     R  R     R  O     O  R     R     ###     ###     ###     |
|     EEEEE    RRRRRR   RRRRRR   O     O  RRRRRR       #       #       #      |
|     E        R   R    R   R    O     O  R   R                               |
|     E        R    R   R    R   O     O  R    R      ###     ###     ###     |
|     EEEEEEE  R     R  R     R  OOOOOOO  R     R     ###     ###     ###     |
|                                                                             |
|     ERROR FEXCP: supplied Exchange-correletion table                        |
|      is too small, maximal index : 5242                                     |
|                                                                             |
|       ---->  I REFUSE TO CONTINUE WITH THIS SICK JOB ... BYE!!! <----       |
|                                                                             |