     Average of energy (eV atom^-1)
     Average of force (X Y Z) (eV ang^-1 atom^-1)
           0.00000132      0.00000845      0.00000074
     Average of stress (XX YY ZZ XY XZ YZ) (GPa atom^-1)
          -0.03817420     -0.11145591     -0.04966041      0.00692700     -0.00178217     -0.01942816
     Variance of energy (eV atom^-1)
     Variance of force (X Y Z) (eV ang^-1 atom^-1)
           0.04405584      0.07586235      0.15482938
     Variance of stress (XX YY ZZ XY XZ YZ) (GPa atom^-1)
           0.08807287      0.29469553      0.11848834      0.02972823      0.01549319      0.06508625
     Normalized histogram
     X, HIS_E, HIS_F, HIS_S
     -3.00000000      0.00000000      0.00035560      0.00023010      0.00010459      0.04212860      0.03104213      0.02217295      0.00000000      0.01995565      0.01330377
     -2.70000000      0.00000000      0.00016734      0.00016734      0.00004184      0.04212860      0.00665188      0.03325942      0.00000000      0.00221729      0.01330377
     -2.40000000      0.00000000      0.00043928      0.00008367      0.00004184      0.01552106      0.00886918      0.01995565      0.00000000      0.00886918      0.00665188
     -2.10000000      0.00000000      0.00050203      0.00016734      0.00008367      0.00665188      0.00443459      0.00221729      0.00000000      0.01330377      0.00000000
     -1.80000000      0.00000000      0.00071121      0.00054386      0.00020918      0.00886918      0.00443459      0.01108647      0.00221729      0.01552106      0.00443459
     -1.50000000      0.00000000      0.00127599      0.00056478      0.00023010      0.00443459      0.00665188      0.00443459      0.00443459      0.01995565      0.00443459
     -1.20000000      0.00000000      0.00418358      0.00079488      0.00033469      0.00000000      0.00221729      0.00443459      0.03104213      0.02882483      0.00443459
     -0.90000000      0.00000000      0.02321884      0.00336778      0.00085763      0.00221729      0.00000000      0.00443459      0.09312639      0.04212860      0.00665188
     -0.60000000      0.00000000      0.10603272      0.03930469      0.00374430      0.00221729      0.01995565      0.00443459      0.25498891      0.12195122      0.00000000
     -0.30000000      0.89800443      0.36150274      0.45460821      0.49495879      0.01552106      0.00886918      0.01330377      0.35254989      0.17073171      0.01995565
      0.00000000      0.00886918      0.36279965      0.45435719      0.49330628      0.35254989      0.20842572      0.29711752      0.14190687      0.17294900      0.44345898
      0.30000000      0.01108647      0.10379450      0.03873991      0.00320044      0.40354767      0.65631929      0.54323725      0.02882483      0.17294900      0.39467849
      0.60000000      0.00665188      0.02380454      0.00322135      0.00083672      0.08647450      0.00443459      0.01330377      0.00665188      0.09090909      0.04212860
      0.90000000      0.01108647      0.00443459      0.00075304      0.00052295      0.00443459      0.00000000      0.00443459      0.00000000      0.04434590      0.00000000
      1.20000000      0.00665188      0.00154792      0.00064845      0.00025101      0.00886918      0.00000000      0.00221729      0.00221729      0.02439024      0.00000000
      1.50000000      0.00443459      0.00066937      0.00046019      0.00016734      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00443459      0.01108647      0.00000000
      1.80000000      0.00221729      0.00054386      0.00023010      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00443459      0.01552106      0.00000000
      2.10000000      0.00886918      0.00043928      0.00008367      0.00010459      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00886918      0.00665188      0.00221729
      2.40000000      0.00665188      0.00018826      0.00006275      0.00006275      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.01108647      0.00000000      0.00000000
      2.70000000      0.01330377      0.00025101      0.00014643      0.00006275      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00665188      0.00000000      0.00000000