     Average of energy (eV atom^-1)
     Average of force (X Y Z) (eV ang^-1 atom^-1)
          -0.00000112     -0.00000248      0.00000040
     Average of stress (XX YY ZZ XY XZ YZ) (GPa atom^-1)
           0.08118263     -0.02570969     -0.05438693      0.02366330     -0.02243080      0.02617410
     Variance of energy (eV atom^-1)
     Variance of force (X Y Z) (eV ang^-1 atom^-1)
           0.02745504      0.02753774      0.02934698
     Variance of stress (XX YY ZZ XY XZ YZ) (GPa atom^-1)
           0.42604169      0.41526446      0.43142351      0.28609158      0.21403641      0.23419750
     Normalized histogram
     X, HIS_E, HIS_F, HIS_S
     -3.00000000      0.00000000      0.00613313      0.00631264      0.00562453      0.00792393      0.00792393      0.00633914      0.01743265      0.01584786      0.00316957
     -2.70000000      0.00000000      0.00385939      0.00350037      0.00338070      0.00633914      0.01109350      0.01109350      0.00950872      0.00633914      0.00792393
     -2.40000000      0.00000000      0.00427823      0.00403889      0.00367988      0.00633914      0.00792393      0.00950872      0.01109350      0.01109350      0.01584786
     -2.10000000      0.00000000      0.00508601      0.00547494      0.00445774      0.00950872      0.00950872      0.02694136      0.00950872      0.01267829      0.02535658
     -1.80000000      0.06339144      0.00517577      0.00502618      0.00553478      0.01901743      0.03645008      0.03169572      0.01743265      0.01901743      0.01901743
     -1.50000000      0.04595880      0.00637248      0.00589379      0.00625280      0.02694136      0.03803487      0.03961965      0.01901743      0.02535658      0.02218700
     -1.20000000      0.00000000      0.00903515      0.00951384      0.01056096      0.03328051      0.04595880      0.03486529      0.01267829      0.03645008      0.03169572
     -0.90000000      0.00000000      0.02890052      0.03087509      0.03440539      0.03169572      0.04278922      0.03961965      0.03645008      0.03486529      0.03645008
     -0.60000000      0.00000000      0.12762902      0.12783844      0.12170531      0.06814580      0.04278922      0.04120444      0.06656101      0.06022187      0.07765452
     -0.30000000      0.43898574      0.29184742      0.29011219      0.29477936      0.46117274      0.11251981      0.05229794      0.46434231      0.06339144      0.48652932
      0.00000000      0.39144216      0.29029170      0.29017203      0.28691099      0.08716323      0.42630745      0.48177496      0.11093502      0.52297940      0.04595880
      0.30000000      0.01584786      0.12783844      0.12724009      0.12347046      0.04754358      0.07290016      0.05388273      0.03328051      0.03169572      0.02852615
      0.60000000      0.00000000      0.03048616      0.03015707      0.03437547      0.04595880      0.03645008      0.03803487      0.04120444      0.03328051      0.04120444
      0.90000000      0.00000000      0.00885565      0.00912491      0.01077038      0.04278922      0.03169572      0.02852615      0.03645008      0.02852615      0.03803487
      1.20000000      0.00000000      0.00553478      0.00568437      0.00565445      0.02377179      0.01426307      0.02535658      0.02852615      0.02694136      0.02060222
      1.50000000      0.00000000      0.00436799      0.00475692      0.00493642      0.03011094      0.01267829      0.02852615      0.02218700      0.01743265      0.03011094
      1.80000000      0.00000000      0.00499626      0.00436799      0.00460733      0.01426307      0.00633914      0.02694136      0.03011094      0.01267829      0.03169572
      2.10000000      0.00000000      0.00418848      0.00427823      0.00421840      0.00792393      0.01267829      0.00475436      0.00792393      0.02377179      0.01426307
      2.40000000      0.00000000      0.00335079      0.00409873      0.00326103      0.00475436      0.00633914      0.00475436      0.01267829      0.00475436      0.00950872
      2.70000000      0.00000000      0.00353029      0.00341062      0.00350037      0.00316957      0.00316957      0.00475436      0.00475436      0.00158479      0.00950872