2.36. MedeA QSPR: Property Prediction Using Group Contributions


2.36.1. Key Benefits of MedeA QSPR

  • Determination of geometric descriptors for organic molecules
  • Evaluation of thermodynamic properties (of organic compounds) based on Group contributions
  • Rapid property calculation enabling screening of compounds and/or providing input conditions for molecular simulations
  • Provides thermophysical properties (based on Joback’s Group Contribution method)
  • Uses group contributions to compute properties based on correlations

2.36.2. Introduction

MedeA QSPR: Property Prediction using Group Contributions” employs correlations to predict thermophysical properties, based on the chemical groups that constitute an organic molecule. The number and type of groups, and their contribution to each property, have been developed and described by Joback and Reid [1]. Only structural information of a chemical compound (a molecule) is used to calculate thermophysical and transport properties, by adding group parameters. This method uses a single group list for all eleven properties, therefore, allowing the calculation of all properties from a single analysis.

2.36.3. Molecular Descriptors

There are 42 molecular descriptors (i.e. groups) in the Joback & Reid method [1]. These molecular descriptors are listed below, along with a short description and the name of the “MedeA variable” that is associated with each descriptor. MedeA variables are useful when printing these quantities in user-defined tables, as part of a flowchart involving a QSPR stage.

Table 45 Descriptors, MedeA variables and a summary of each descriptor.
Descriptor MedeA variable Description
NC0 qspr_NC0_calc -C atoms with zero contribution, member of another group
NC1 qspr_NC1_calc -CH3 groups, non-ring
NC2 qspr_NC2_calc -CH2 groups, non-ring
NC3 qspr_NC3_calc -CH groups, non-ring
NC4 qspr_NC4_calc -C atoms, non-ring
NC5 qspr_NC5_calc =CH2 groups, non-ring
NC6 qspr_NC6_calc =CH groups, non-ring
NC7 qspr_NC7_calc =C atoms, non-ring
NC8 qspr_NC8_calc =C= atoms, non-ring
NC9 qspr_NC9_calc #CH groups, non-ring
NC10 qspr_NC10_calc #C atoms, non-ring
NC11 qspr_NC11_calc -CH2 non-aromatic groups, ring
NC12 qspr_NC12_calc -CH non-aromatic groups, ring
NC13 qspr_NC13_calc -C non-aromatic atoms, ring
NC14 qspr_NC14_calc =CH aromatic groups, ring
NC15 qspr_NC15_calc =C aromatic atoms, ring
NF1 qspr_NF1_calc F atoms
NCl1 qspr_NCl1_calc Cl atoms
NBr1 qspr_NBr1_calc Br atoms
NI1 qspr_NI1_calc I atoms
NO1 qspr_NO1_calc -O- groups in OH, in alcohols
NO2 qspr_NO2_calc -O- groups in OH, in phenol
NO3 qspr_NO3_calc -O- groups in ethers, non-ring
NO4 qspr_NO4_calc -O- groups in ethers, ring
NO5 qspr_NO5_calc =O groups, non-ring
NO6 qspr_NO6_calc =O groups, ring
NO7 qspr_NO7_calc =O groups in aldehydes
NO8 qspr_NO8_calc -O- groups in carboxylic acid groups
NO9 qspr_NO9_calc -O- groups in carboxylic ester groups
NO10 qspr_NO10_calc =O groups in other than NO1-NO9 groups
NN1 qspr_NN1_calc -NH2 groups, in primary amines
NN2 qspr_NN2_calc -NH groups, in secondary amines, non-ring
NN3 qspr_NN3_calc -NH groups, in secondary amines, ring
NN4 qspr_NN4_calc -N atoms in tertiary amines, non-ring
NN5 qspr_NN5_calc -N= atoms, nonring
NN6 qspr_NN6_calc -N= atoms, ring
NN7 qspr_NN7_calc =NH groups
NN8 qspr_NN8_calc CN- groups, in cyanides
NN9 qspr_NN9_calc -NO2 groups
NS1 qspr_NS1_calc -SH groups, in thiols
NS2 qspr_NS2_calc -S atoms, non-ring
NS3 qspr_NS3_calc -S- atoms, ring
NH1 qspr_NH1_calc -H atoms with zero contribution, member of another group

2.36.4. Properties

There are ten properties calculated using the Joback & Reid method [1].

Table 46 Properties, MedeA variables and a description of each property.
Property Units MedeA variable Description
Tb K qspr_Tb_calc Normal Boiling Point Temperature
Tc K qspr_Tc_calc Critical Temperature
Pc bar qspr_Pc_calc Critical Pressure
Vc ml/mol qspr_Vc_calc Critical Volume
Tm K qspr_Tm_calc Melting Temperature
Hf kJ/mol qspr_Hf_calc Heat of Formation, ideal gas, 298 K
Gf kJ/mol qspr_Gf_calc Gibbs Energy of Formation, ideal gas, 298 K
DHv kJ/mol qspr_DHv_calc Heat of Vaporization at normal boiling point
DHfus kJ/mol qspr_DHfus_calc. Heat of Fusion
Eta mPas qspr_eta_calc Liquid Dynamic Viscosity at normal boiling point

Both the molecular descriptors and the calculated properties are available interactively in the Molecular Builder, or through a QSPR: Property Prediction using Group Contributions stage in a MedeA flowchart.

The results for propanol appear as shown here on the QSPR tab of the Molecular Builder and the output of a QSPR: Property Prediction using Group Contributions stage looks like this in Job.out.

../../_images/imageQSPR1.png ../../_images/imageQSPR2.png
[1](1, 2, 3) Kevin G Joback and Robert C Reid, “Estimation of Pure-Component Properties From Group-Contributions,” Chemical Engineering Communications 57, no. 1 (February 5, 1987): 233-243.