2.8. MedeA Command-Line Tools: Execute Workflows Through the Command-Line
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2.8.1. Introduction
While MedeA is primarily intended to be used through a graphical user interface (GUI), there are instances for which access to a command-line interface would be helpful. In particular, executing existing MedeA Flowcharts without human intervention or the use of a GUI can be helpful for continuous integration and development efforts. While most MedeA users use MedeA itself as a workflow manager, some users may want to incorporate MedeA as a single step in a multi-physics workflow involving several other software packages. For these reasons, basic functionality for executing, but not constructing, MedeA Flowcharts through a command-line interface is provided.
2.8.2. Commands and Options
In order to submit a new Job, the syntax is the following if you run from e.g. a bash console:
./bin/Linux-x86_64/mdlauncher cmd jobsubmit --help
jobsumit options:
-dir value The directory to save files to if the -wait option is set. Creation of directory will be attempted if it does not exist. <>
-flow value The workflow file (computational protocol). <>
-queue value The JobServer queue to submit to. If omitted, the first available queue is used. <>
-title value The Job title. <>
-description value The Job description. <>
-nproc value The requested number of processors/cores. If omitted, default queue value is used. <>
-priority value The requested priority. If omitted, the default queue value is used. <>
-structure value The initial structure file. <>
-server value The JobServer to submit to. <local>
-v Verbose mode, print information to standard output.
-wait Wait for job completion.
For example, a MedeA VASP job can be started like this:
./bin/Linux-x86_64/mdlauncher cmd jobsubmit -flow ~/MedeA/Flowcharts/simple_vaspAG.flow -structure ~/MD/Structures/Elements/Ag.sci -nproc 2 -priority 8 -title 'Command\ line\ submitted\ VASP\ on\ Ag'
If the server is not specified, the server is the last one used from MedeA (loaded from MedeA.settings). If the server is specified, the -server value must be a registered name in MD/servers.dat (if not it will display the list of available servers).
The last forcefield used in MedeA is used (loaded from MedeA.settings). A “Set Forcefield” stage can be added to the Flowchart to ensure that a specific forcefield is used.
If you do not include -wait, the command will just submit and return. The -wait option adds more flexibility on how to submit several jobs and wait/process output.
To check whether a Job is finished, the “jobfinished” command and options may be used:
./bin/Linux-x86_64/mdlauncher cmd jobfinished --help
jobfinished options:
-job value The Job number ( > 0) to query is a mandatory option. <>
-server value The JobServer to query. <local>
-v Verbose mode, print information to standard output.
Example output of the “jobfinished” command is as follows:
./bin/Linux-x86_64/mdlauncher cmd jobfinished -job 1066
To retrieve files from a Job in a local directory for further processing and inspection, the “jobget” command may be used:
./bin/Linux-x86_64/mdlauncher cmd jobget --help
jobget options:
-job value The Job number ( > 0) to query is a mandatory option. <>
-dir value The directory to save files to. Creation of directory will be attempted if it does not exist. <.>
-server value The JobServer to query. <local>
-v Verbose mode, print information to standard output.
Example output of the “jobget” command is as follows:
./bin/Linux-x86_64/mdlauncher cmd jobget -job 1066 -dir another_run_AG
24 files retrieved from Job 1066 in directory another_run_AG.
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