Materials Design JobServer (v3.8.1) on amd-9

This is the home page for the JobServer running on amd-9, port 32000. This page, and all of the other pages in this site, have the same navigation bars at the top and bottom of the window. You can use these to quickly move from one part of the JobServer to another.

The links take you to other parts of the JobServer as follows:

JobServer Home Brings you back to this page. You can always come back here if you get lost.

Takes you to a list of the jobs and tasks that are currently running.


Takes you to a list of the jobs on this machine. You can get a list of all jobs that have been run or submitted on this machine, or you can filter the list to find just the jobs of interest to you.
There is a summary for each job, plus a link that let's you get more detail for an individual job.

Administration Allows you to administer this site. You can change the number of jobs allowed to run at one time, close down the jobs queues, or shut the JobServer down.
Documentation The online documentation for MedeA.

2024-09-28 22:19:31
There are no jobs running.
No jobs are pending .